Tuesday, December 18, 2012

闆穿 Snow Crash_419

ted heading downhill, toward the ocean. My father wanted to head uphill,http://www.rolexsubmarinerreplica.info/, into the mountains, figuring that they could maybe live in an isolated place until the war was over."
"It was a stupid idea," Raven says. "Japan is heavily populated. There is no place where they could have gone unnoticed."
"My father didn't even know what a kayak was."
"Ignorance is no excuse,Link," Raven says.
"Their arguing -- the same argument we're having now -- was their downfall. The Nipponese caught up with them on a road just outside of Nagasaki. They didn't even have handcuffs, so they tied their hands behind their backs with bootlaces and made them kneel on the road, facing each other. Then the lieutenant took his sword out of its sheath. It was an ancient sword, the lieutenant was from a proud family of samurai, and the only reason he was on this home-front detail was that he had nearly had one leg blown off earlier in the war. He raised the sword up above my father's head."
"It made a high ringing sound in the air," Raven says, "that hurt my father's ears."
"But it never came down."
"My father saw your father's skeleton kneeling in front of him. That was the last thing he ever saw."
"My father was facing away from Nagasaki," Hiro says. "He was temporarily blinded by the light, he fell forward and pressed his face into the ground to get the terrible light out of his eyes. Then everything was back to normal again."
"Except my father was blind," Raven says. "He could only listen to your father fighting the lieutenant,best replica rolex watches."
"It was a half-blind, one-legged samurai with a katana versus a big strong healthy man with his arms tied behind his back," Hiro says. "A pretty interesting fight. A pretty fair one. My father won. And that was the end of the war. The occupation troops got there a couple of weeks later. My father went home and kicked around for a while and finally had a kid during the seventies. So did yours,montblanc pen."
Raven says, "Ainchitka, 1972. My father got nuked twice by you bastards."
"I understand the depth of your feelings," H

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