Monday, December 17, 2012

Love and life still remained

Love and life still remained, and he touched on them as they strolled forward by the colourless sea. He spoke of the ideal man —chaste with asceticism. He sketched the glory of Woman. En-gaged to be married himself, he grew more human, and his eyes coloured up behind the strong spectacles; his cheek flushed. To love a noble woman, to protect and serve her—this, he told the
little boy, was the crown of life. "You can't understand now, you will some day, and when you do understand it, remember the poor old pedagogue who put you on the track. It all hangs to-gether—all—and God's in his heaven, All's right with the world. Male and female! Ah wonderful!"
"I think I shall not marry," remarked Maurice.
"This day ten years hence—I invite you and your wife to din-ner with my wife and me. Will you accept?"
"Oh sir!" He smiled with pleasure.
"It's a bargain, then!" It was at all events a good joke to end with. Maurice was nattered and began to contemplate marriage. But while they were easing off Mr Ducie stopped,cheap jeremy scott adidas wings, and held his cheek as though every tooth ached. He turned and looked at the long expanse of sand behind.
"I never scratched out those infernal diagrams," he said slowly.
At the further end of the bay some people were following them, also by the edge of the sea. Their course would take them by the very spot where Mr Ducie had illustrated sex, and one of them was a lady. He ran back sweating with fear.
"Sir, won't it be all right?" Maurice cried. "The tide'll have covered them by now."
"Good Heavens ... thank God ... the tide's rising."
And suddenly for an instant of time, the boy despised him. "Liar,Jeremy Scott Adidas Wings," he thought. "Liar, coward, he's told me nothing." . . . Then darkness rolled up again, the darkness that is primeval but not eternal, and yields to its own painful dawn.
杜希先生老是惦念着什么。这次是高班的一个名叫霍尔的学生,不久就要跟他们告别,升人公学。他想在郊游的时候跟霍尔“畅谈”一番。他的同事们表示异议,因为事后会给他们添麻烦。校长说他们已经谈过话了,况且霍尔宁愿和同学们在一起,因为这是他最后一次散步,replica chanel bags。很可能是如此,然而凡是正当的事,fake chanel bags,杜希先生素来是一不做,二不休。他面泛微笑,一声不响。里德先生知道他要“畅谈”什么。因为他们初结识之际,在交流教育的经验时触及过一个问题。当时,里德先生反对杜希先生的意见,说那是“如履薄冰”。校长并不知道此事,他也不愿意知道。他那帮学生长到十四岁就离开他了,他忘记他们已经长成男子汉了。对他来说,他们好像是小型而完整的种族一“我的学生”,不啻是新几内亚的俾格米人(译注:俾格米人是现代人类学术语,专指男性平均身高不足150厘米的人种)。他们比俾格米人还容易理解,因为他们决不结婚,轻易不会死掉。这些单身汉是永生的,排成一字长队从他面前经过,数目不等,少则二十五名,多则四十名。“依我看,关于教育学的书没有用处,还没产生‘教育’这个概念的时候,孩子们就已经这样了。”杜希先生听罢,一笑置之,因为他专心研究进化论。

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